http://sassymrsk.deviantart.com/art/Teenage-Love-282890756 | | |
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Walking down the hall you notice someone looking at you and you can't help it but look back. Who is that mysterious guy looking at you with a smile on his face, with his dark brown eyes, his dreamy looks, you blush hoping he was looking at you not at your friend. He suddenly gets up and walks towards you and asks for your name. What do you do? What do you say? What if he just wants to know? What if he asks he asks you for something else? The What if's go on and on until you suddenly answer with your name and he walks away. Did you scare him away? Was that the only thing he needed and wanted to know? The answers never come until you see him again in the library. He says Hi and asks you for your number. You slowly give it to him and hope he actually calls or texts. That night you can not sleep just thinking about him. Your first crush and you do not know what this feeling in your stomach is until now. He texts you goodnight and the endless conversation begins. 5 months later you and the guy are in a relationship now and everything seems to be going good. He asks you to go over to his house and you say yes. Once at his house he is pressuring you to have intimate intercourse and when you say no he hits you and tells you he hates you. Once you start crying he comforts you and tells you he is sorry but will not happen again, but he continues to hit you and insult you when you are not doing the things he wants you to. You think that by allowing this you are making him happy but your only hurting yourself. Will the insults ever stop? Will the emotional and physical pain ever stop?
According to loveisrespect.org nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year. Also one in 10 high school students has been purposefully hit, slapped or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend. This issue has been rising more and more every year and most of the teenagers getting abused do not report it. If your partner or a close friends partner seems abuse or he/she does not want to be left alone or are scared of their love partner let someone know. Do not be scared we all are here to help. First thing is first get help, yes it is going to be hard but it is the best option do not let yourself get carried away. Or if your the one getting angry please step away from people, relax, breath, and obtain control of your emotions.
Yes their is all types of relationships and yours might be one of the ones that are perfect. Yes these do exist. Your love partner motivates you to be the best you can and be successful in life. They encourage you to do positive things in life but most important of all they make you feel wanted and loved and that is what really matters. Just because you may not have someone now does not mean your never going to have one. Just maybe this year your true love will come and if it does not do not hesitate take your time and love yourself.
This hits close to home. I'm glad you are bringing awareness to this situation. It is important for women and men to understand what a healthy relationship is. Sometimes that is difficult if the person never knew what exactly a healthy relationship is.- Hayley Kal
ReplyDeleteAnother important and hard-hitting post -good work, Avilene.
ReplyDeleteProf Wortman-Wunder
Great topic, I defiantly think that this is something that is overlooked. So many people are in unhealthy relationships.