Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Eating Disorders among teens

She is 6'3'' with an amazing body, perfect size 0 and gorgeous eyes. The guy next to her is 6'6'' with the most dreamiest smile and amazing abs. You look at yourself in the mirror and questions just pop into your head. Why can't you look like that? Why can't you be skinny like that? What diet or exercise can you do to make your stomach as flat as hers? How much weight do you need to lift to make your muscles look like his? If you lost a couple of pounds or ate less you could be able to look like him or her. You think of surgery to remove that extra weight but you know it is costly then you think about dieting pills but what if your parents find out you want to lose weight another idea comes up what if you throw up every time after you eat but then that sounds really weird what will others think. Then the thought of trying the diet of not eating for a week seems brilliant why couldn't you have thought of that sooner. You start your diet and at the beginning it seems easy. You keep looking at the mirror and all you see is someone ugly and fat which keeps you motivated to keep the diet going. Two days later and you are still keeping up with the diet and do not notice that your body is becoming weak all you see is that reflection in the mirror getting a little skinnier. The diet is working. Days later and the diet continues If you continue a couple more days you'll see more results you tell yourself. One and a half week later you start to notice the results you have always wanted but you feel so weak that you can not get yourself up from bed. You get up and collapse. Was the diet really worth it? You look at yourself in the mirror yes it was or was it?

According to the in the United States on a study a few years ago found that 36% of adolescent girls – more than one out of every three -- believed they were overweight while 59% were trying to lose weight. Warning signs and symptoms seen in these teens with these and other disorders include; Extreme preoccupation about being overweight, Strict dieting followed by high-calorie eating binges, Overeating when distressed, Feeling out of control, Disappearing after a meal, Depressed moods, Alcohol or drug abuse, Frequent use of laxatives or diuretics, Excessive exercising, Irregular menstrual cycles, Insomnia, Constipation, Skin rash or dry skin, Dental cavities, Erosion of tooth enamel, Loss of hair or nail quality, and Hyperactivity and high interest in exercise. These eating disorders are caused by multiple things such as relationships, low-self esteem, psychological problems, genetics, and obsession with obtaining the "perfect" body. These can be cured with help. Reach out to other people specially your parents. All they want id for you to be happy and healthy. Do not think that you are the only one going through this and do not think that by having the "perfect" image as you may call it will make you happy. There are thousands of places you can you to get help just reach out and remember that you are beautiful and your body and mind make you unique.

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