Wednesday, May 6, 2015
College, Scholarships, and Graduation.
Two more weeks of waking up early and having to go to a place that you absolutely hate, 5 more minutes you tell yourself every morning before getting up to got to high school. Finals are coming up and graduation gowns are being ordered, your classmates are all super excited about the college they are going to be attending this upcoming fall and you still have no idea where you are going. You have received a couple of acceptance letters, but how are you going to pay for college? What if you are never able to attend college? What if you don't get any scholarships? What if at the end of 4 years you don't complete your degree?
In this time of year tension, stress, and feelings of excitement rise in teens graduating high school. These feelings increase with the thought of actually graduating and facing the real world. Many teens close their options and focus on going to a four year university when in reality they could do many other things. These things involve joining the army, the navy, the air force, attending a vocation school, a two year community college, getting employed full time, a four year university, and many other things. Teens feel like their options are limited when in reality they are only expanding. Teens that are going through this are teens that feel overwhelmed with tense with the thought of college, scholarships, and graduation.
If you are a teen going through this first breath, everything is going to be alright. If you are unsure what you want to do in the future talk to an advisor, talk to your parents, and hear that little voice inside of you reaching for your life goals and dreams. If you feel like taking a year off to learn about the world and experience than go ahead college will wait for you. Do not get frustrated and do not get discouraged with your ideas. Some people know exactly what they want to do after graduating and others don't. You are not the only one and you are sure not going to be the last one. Have fun, be cautious, and remind yourself that you can be what ever you want to be.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Teens at Car Meets and Drag Racing |
It is Sunday night and you can not wait to go to the Nationwide car meets and drag races. This is where all your friends gather up to see nice luxurious cars and race them to see who has the fastest car. You know it's dangerous and accidents happen all the time but you love the adrenaline feeling. The feeling of driving so fast and being unstoppable is your motive to going every Sunday even if you have to lie to your parents about it. What could they say anyway your old enough and have your license nothing bad can happen. It is time and head to where the meets are getting started and hang around for a while. The races start the best part of the whole night. You get lined up to race a car and win and again a different car and once again you win. The night has become boring since you have already raced all the cars on other Sunday nights an decide to head home early. The next morning you wake up to the news stating that their had been multiple crashes and police arrest where you had been that previous night, there are a couple of teens dead and other severely injured. What if that would have been you arrested or killed? What if you hadn't left early and still been at the meets?
In reality what are car meets/drag racing? A drag race is a contest between two vehicles racing side by side in a straight line at a designated, controlled racetrack. In most drag racing categories, the first vehicle to the finish line wins. Defining who has the fastest car. In local car meets and races two cars are lined up and a conductor tells them when to go. Same as drag racing the car that gets to the end of the road faster wins. This pass time activity has caused many deaths.According to NHRA nationwide statistics show that 49 people are injured for every 1,000 who participate in illegal street racing among these people teens under 18. According to the NHTSA, motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for people between the ages of 16 and 20. This activity is also illegal. The consequences for drag racing are; You can be arrested and have your car impounded for 30 days, If convicted of street racing or aiding and abetting a street race, you can be imprisoned for up to three months and fined up to $1,000. Spectators are subject to penalties as well, Your driver's license can be revoked, Your car insurance may be cancelled or the rates dramatically increased, and Cars in and around illegal street races are often issued equipment violations.
Teens that usually do this are those looking for adrenaline, a pass time that they feel it is fun, and to impress others with their fast cars. I understand this may seem fun and exciting but the consequences of such act are not they are very serious and it may not have happened this time but the next time you may not be so lucky. Think about your car, your family, and yourself before you go and do this again. If you feel peer pressure is not letting you stop let someone know and seek help. Be reasonable with yourself and those around you and do not be afraid to say no or not even show up to the races.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Teens joining Gangs |
You stare at the people standing in the back corner. They all seem really cool, no one is afraid of them so why should you? They're all wearing the same color and showing some letter with their hands to defend their "territory" or here at school their favorite corner. They're like a family always hanging out with each other and protecting each other. What if you told them that you wanted to join their team, their family, their gang? What would they say? You finally obtain the courage to walk up to them and ask. They ask you if you are really up to the challenge you say yes. One more time they ask you if you are fully aware that you want to join a gang and that the first step is them jumping you in meaning a couple of them will beat at you for a couple of seconds to prove your worthy. You once again agree how bad could it be plus they will be your family forever. They set up a time behind the school's basketball court to get you in. You meet them there and the beatings begin. After the first couple of seconds you black out and do not remember anything what happens but the stinging of the pain does not go away. Your finally in what you always wanted a family. That's when it really begins the view outsiders do not really see. The drugs, the alcohol, the stealing and the violence. Is this the life you wanted? Yes having a family is great but not the bad things you have done to achieve it how can you get out? What would they do to you if you did?
According to the number of youth gangs throughout the U.S. tops 24,500, and the number of teens and young adults involved in gang activity is higher than 772,500. One-fourth of gang members are aged 15-17 and the average age for a gang member is 17 to 18 years old.There are also more males in gangs than females, although the number of females in gangs is on the rise. There are various reasons that teens choose to join gangs. Even though thoughts of violence may not originally prompt joining the gang, once a part of the gang a teen is expected to commit violent acts, such as joining gang fights and committing violent crimes. Some of the reasons teens join gangs include the opportunity to make money, thrill seeking, protection from bullies, desire for prestige, and a chance to belong. Interestingly enough, few teens are actually forced into joining gangs.
There are warning signs that your teenager might be involved with a gang. Some of the ways someone can determine if a teen has joined a gang or tends to join a gang are; Sudden changes in clothing worn by your teen, especially if it involves wearing the same color schemes all the time, A desire to hide activities from you, Loss of interest in family activities, Declining interest in school and extracurricular activities, Having relatively large amounts of money without clear explanation, Run-ins with the police and other authority figures, and Known gang symbols on belongings, including books and clothing.
If you are in a gang or are being forced to join one seek help. Seek help sooner than later since later can result in violence, drugs, alcohol, or even death. Some places where you can seek help are your parents, your counselor, or even places like the National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center or others. Let someone know what is happening and stay in a safe place. Remember you are you and life reflects on your decisions, make things right.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Eating Disorders among teens
She is 6'3'' with an amazing body, perfect size 0 and gorgeous eyes. The guy next to her is 6'6'' with the most dreamiest smile and amazing abs. You look at yourself in the mirror and questions just pop into your head. Why can't you look like that? Why can't you be skinny like that? What diet or exercise can you do to make your stomach as flat as hers? How much weight do you need to lift to make your muscles look like his? If you lost a couple of pounds or ate less you could be able to look like him or her. You think of surgery to remove that extra weight but you know it is costly then you think about dieting pills but what if your parents find out you want to lose weight another idea comes up what if you throw up every time after you eat but then that sounds really weird what will others think. Then the thought of trying the diet of not eating for a week seems brilliant why couldn't you have thought of that sooner. You start your diet and at the beginning it seems easy. You keep looking at the mirror and all you see is someone ugly and fat which keeps you motivated to keep the diet going. Two days later and you are still keeping up with the diet and do not notice that your body is becoming weak all you see is that reflection in the mirror getting a little skinnier. The diet is working. Days later and the diet continues If you continue a couple more days you'll see more results you tell yourself. One and a half week later you start to notice the results you have always wanted but you feel so weak that you can not get yourself up from bed. You get up and collapse. Was the diet really worth it? You look at yourself in the mirror yes it was or was it?
According to the in the United States on a study a few years ago found that 36% of adolescent girls – more than one out of every three -- believed they were overweight while 59% were trying to lose weight. Warning signs and symptoms seen in these teens with these and other disorders include; Extreme preoccupation about being overweight, Strict dieting followed by high-calorie eating binges, Overeating when distressed, Feeling out of control, Disappearing after a meal, Depressed moods, Alcohol or drug abuse, Frequent use of laxatives or diuretics, Excessive exercising, Irregular menstrual cycles, Insomnia, Constipation, Skin rash or dry skin, Dental cavities, Erosion of tooth enamel, Loss of hair or nail quality, and Hyperactivity and high interest in exercise. These eating disorders are caused by multiple things such as relationships, low-self esteem, psychological problems, genetics, and obsession with obtaining the "perfect" body. These can be cured with help. Reach out to other people specially your parents. All they want id for you to be happy and healthy. Do not think that you are the only one going through this and do not think that by having the "perfect" image as you may call it will make you happy. There are thousands of places you can you to get help just reach out and remember that you are beautiful and your body and mind make you unique.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Drugs and Alcohol among Teenagers |
It is the party of the year and you are super pumped and excited for tonight. You are talking to your friends and they bring up the question have you tried the new drug that everyone is talking about at school? You pretend you did since everyone seems to be doing it and it seems like the school thing to do but deep down you hope they do not ask you again or offer you in person. You walk into the party and all the cool kids have alcoholic beverages and are smoking. What should you say or do, you do not want to be an outcast and not fit in. You grab a drink and your friends start taking colorful pills you skip the pills but when the cigarette goes around you have to smoke it since you know your friends will call you names if you don't. A couple hours later most of the party-goers are passed out, some throwing up, others hallucinating, and many wanting more. This is not the life you want to have and you most definitely do not want to disappoint your parents.
You are not alone according to in the past month, 39 percent of high school seniors reported drinking some alcohol, almost 23 percent reported using marijuana, and 16 percent reported smoking cigarettes. These teens are like any other teens may seem upbeat, popular an intriguing but deep down they all struggle with alcohol, and drug abuse. Many of these teens at the beginning see it as a game or something fun they can do but with time it turns into an addiction and a problem where many can not seem to stop. Symptoms that a person has such addiction involves anxiety to obtain such drug or alcohol, anger towards those trying to stop them, shakiness, the lost of weight, gain of dark circles, and the need to experiment other drugs and alcohol for a better feel.
Do not be afraid to ask for help for yourself or for others. Getting help may avoid an overdose or a crime done while under the influence. Keep your head up there is always light at the end of the tunnel and if you are feeling overwhelm sit down take a break and reach out to someone. Just because you may feel it is only happening to you it is not there is others that need help as well.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Teenage Pregnancy |
It's a beautiful Saturday morning and you laying in bed when suddenly you get the urge to throw-up. You run to the bathroom and the smell of eggs makes you nauseous and you throw-up even more what is happening is everything alright? Your monthly visitor has not came and you wonder if it was just because the stress of finals approaching and the crazy studying you have been doing. The thought of being pregnant crosses your mind but you immediately shake it off. I can't be you've only been with one person and you are sure they used protection, but the thought comes back again and again. You rush to shower and get ready for a great day with your family but the nauseas will not go away and every time a weird smell reaches you, you have the urge to throw-up definitely not normal. You know you can not tell your parents what would they think. Monday approaches and you tell your best friend what is going on. After school you guys buy a pregnancy test just to make sure it is not that and after 2 boxes and 4 four test all coming back positive you break into tears. What is going to happen? What are you going to do? Your just in high school , you tell yourself over and over again.
According to in 2013, there were 26.5 births for every 1,000 adolescent females ages 15-19, or 273,105 babies born to females in this age group. U.S. teen birth rate is higher than that of many other developed countries, including Canada and the United Kingdom. 10 of the symptoms that expresses that might mean that a woman is pregnant is; A missed period, abdominal cramps, bloody spotting, fatigue, chest pain, morning sickness, aversions to weird smells, frequent urination, mood swings, and headaches. Even though these are frequent and many woman experience these symptoms, many experience completely different symptoms, but they can only be certain if they take a pregnancy test or attend a clinic for results.
First thing is first do not feel alone because you are not. Tell your parents what is going on and what is happening. Parents will rather you let them know first before the neighbor of the friend of the aunty of the lawn mower of your best friends boyfriend tells them. Yes they might be in shock but they will understand. Give them and yourself time to think. There are alternatives if you are not ready for a child. Open up to these alternatives and have options before deciding anything. Go the clinic and/or the hospital to get checked regularly and make sure the baby is alright. Talk to people, to the psychologist, to the doctor, anyone that can hear you out and help you achieve what you want to do. Just because you might have a child does not mean your dreams are over. Keep fighting for what you want and to prove anyone doubting you wrong. There are places that help young teen moms and are willing to help with everyday needs just reach out. You are not alone.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Teenage Relationships and Love |
According to nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year. Also one in 10 high school students has been purposefully hit, slapped or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend. This issue has been rising more and more every year and most of the teenagers getting abused do not report it. If your partner or a close friends partner seems abuse or he/she does not want to be left alone or are scared of their love partner let someone know. Do not be scared we all are here to help. First thing is first get help, yes it is going to be hard but it is the best option do not let yourself get carried away. Or if your the one getting angry please step away from people, relax, breath, and obtain control of your emotions.
Yes their is all types of relationships and yours might be one of the ones that are perfect. Yes these do exist. Your love partner motivates you to be the best you can and be successful in life. They encourage you to do positive things in life but most important of all they make you feel wanted and loved and that is what really matters. Just because you may not have someone now does not mean your never going to have one. Just maybe this year your true love will come and if it does not do not hesitate take your time and love yourself.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Depression Rising in Teens |
It's 4 o'clock in the morning and you are still crying yourself asleep. Will this pain ever end? Will the feeling of loneliness and emptiness ever go away? You wake up after a sleepless night of crying and your eyes are as puffy as can be and no one seems to even notice. You get up get ready and start your day with out a sound of someone caring if you got up or not or even asking if you've eaten breakfast or not. Everybody is busy doing their own thing that no one sees to mind anymore. Sadness surrounds you and negative thoughts invade you but do not fear this feeling does not last forever.
According to 20% of teens will experience depression before adulthood is reached. Symptoms of depression include apathy, guilt, memory loss, unable to make decisions, withdrawal from fiends, use of drugs and alcohol, rebellious behavior, mood swings, and lack of sleep. These symptoms are triggered by need of attention, communication, and love. If you or a loved one are experiencing any of these symptoms do not hesitate to ask for help.
Treatment for depression include talking to a psychologist, taking medicine, getting involved, joining a youth group, volunteering, meeting new friends, going on a walk or run, and getting out there and expressing your thoughts. If any negative thoughts try to invade your space push them away with a positive thought. No one is perfect so why should we try to be? Please yourself and be happy. And whenever you feel like giving up just remember that you can accomplish anything you set up your mind to be and "Si se puede!"(Yes you can!)
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Low-Self Esteem In Teens |
It is your first ever pep-rally in high school and your parents bought you what you believe is the most amazing outfit ever. You are super excited to wear it that on that day you wake up extra early to make sure you shower get ready and look great. As soon as you walk into the school you hear someone shout "Nice outfit" in a sarcastic tone. In your first class the girl sitting next to you asks you if you woke up late since your outfit seemed a last minute outfit and it smelled weird. Every rude comment makes you just want to run home and change from the what you thought was an amazing outfit and your self-esteem lowers and lowers by the minute. What are you going to do now? Your parents wasted a lot of time and effort trying to please you and make you happy to just tell them you did not like the outfit anymore. You do not feel good about yourself, the way you look or even the way you dress. But do not worry your not the person they make you feel like what you feel about your self is your self esteem and depending how good or bad you feel about yourself will go up and down, you are unique in your own way and you are wonderful inside and out.
In a recent research I conducted with a group of high school teens from Montbello High School 19 out of 20 teens admitted to at one point having low-self esteem. Most of them said that they felt like they where left out an not included in activities if they did not have the most recent I-phone, Jordan shoes, newest trending clothes, or even a car. These aspects made me realize that most of the time a factor of low-self esteem depends on materials not on how a person is or their knowledge. Symptoms that a teen has low-self esteem is a withdrawn or shy teen, afraid to have fun or invite someone to come over their house, and is terrified of trying new things since failure to learn will cause a bad feeling about themselves. What we can do to prevent low-self esteem is to not worry as much about fitting in. Yes everyone wants to be liked do not get me wrong but if our able to throw on that bright green top with an orange hat or scarf and feel great about yourself then do it. Do not feel like a prisoner in your body, you are amazing just the way you are and even the biggest superstars and singers feel self-conscious about themselves but their is not a day they give up on their dreams and neither should you. Throw on that new outfit your parents bought you and stroll your high school high ways like no one else has.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Anxiety in High School Teens |
First day in a new school you are now a freshman in high school and you are really anxious. Who are you going to sit with? What are you going to wear? What if no one likes you? What if something bad happens? The what if's go on and on and your anxiety increases and torments you for the whole four years of high school. Each year hoping it would go away but it never does. So what do you do now?
A recent study from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) suggest that 1 in every 8 teens suffers from anxiety and does not know how to deal with it. Symptoms that you are experiencing anxiety include stomachaches, nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, blushing, headaches, and shortness of breath. These can be caused by things like asking a teacher a question, finding friends to hang out with, physical education class, and many more things. Social teen anxiety can consequently cause loneliness, low-self esteem, reduced success in school, depression, and substance misuse.
What specifically can you do to help this? First of all talk to someone maybe a parent, a teacher, a counselor, a close friend, anyone that can help you get bigger help. You are not alone so do not feel like you are. Second take a warm bath with lots of bubbles and buy yourself your favorite food. Do not forget to remember that you are important and anyone would be lucky to have a friend like you because it is true. Stay positive and be positive because we all need a friend and we may need someone but someone may also need us more. Third do not be afraid to be anxious it has happened to all of us once in a while just be cautious of what you are doing to make it better and participate you never know what you are good at until you try.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
High School Teenage Stress
It is your senior year in high school and you have finals coming up, you have stayed up the last couple of nights trying to turn in late assignments you missed from a couple of days you where sick and you feel like time is running out and to top that off graduation is around the corner, You feel your stress levels rising to the highest they can be, and it won't go away. Do not feel alone and definitely don't feel like your the only one facing this issue according to the American Psychological association survey tens have reported their stress levels during high school year far exceeds what they believe to be healthy. It has risen in the past few years due to teenagers obsessing to obtain a good enough career and a job. I personally asked my 17 year old sister, a junior in high school what stressed her out an she stated, "What stressed me out is competing with every other student for a future we are not certain about, what stresses me out is not having enough time in a day to accomplish everything I have to do like homework, study, help my parents with chores, have a social life, and be able to sleep my full 8 ours at night and for people that also work it gets worse." Once I had heard this from her made me realize that there are so many students such as you suffering from stress that are even higher on stress levels than adults as the American Psychological Association recalls. This makes me think are we setting you high school students up to have a stressful life or are we actually motivating you for a better future.
This debate could go either way.
Are you really adopting adult stress habits and how will they affect your future? In a recent research "Ten percent of teens reported receiving lower grades than capable due to stress." High school is the time of your life where it can either make-you or break-you and I as a college student believed back in high school that if you did not have good enough grades you could not go to college and obtain a career. This is affecting you as a student since it motivates what kind of adult life you want to have an obtain.
Is stress seen as a motivator to different high school students? Yes. Many high school students such as my sisters' friend Danya determined that if it was not for the stress she was having she would not motivate herself to get better grades and be the smart young girl she is. When asked about stress she responded "Yea stress can be a bit stressful but if you know how to manage it and get your priorities straight you can do anything." Such as Danya her motivation is stress but then again no two students are the same and they should not be feeling as high stress levels as adults in our high school days.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Teenage Health
Graduation, prom, college, media, fashion, relationships, so much to think about and in so little time so what health risks are these life changing decisions affecting high school students? Many students may say that they get used to it and learn from the previous year but many also say they cause stress, anxiety, low-self esteem, and depression. I Avilene Delgado as the writer of this blog will be blogging more about health related issues in high school students.
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